Student: James Lanzisero
Title: Computing Drawing Space
Instructor name: Carl Lostritto
Date: Fall 2011
This course is a structured exploration of the roles of computation in the theorization, conception, representation and fabrication of architecture. Throughout the semester, students use the Python Programming language to create speculative gestures and engage in creative experimentation-two hallmarks of what has historically been the domain of drawing and sketching. At the conclusion of the course students will have demonstrated an understanding of programming concepts and an ability to employ programming techniques in an open-ended, functional manner within a design process.
Initially, students create iterations of drawings generated by writing Python code.While learning the structure and syntax that govern what is for most students a foreign language, the class explores the qualitative tendencies a generate methodology. |
As the project progresses, students incorporate user input,from the mouse and/or keyboard, into their generative algorithms |
As students refine their code for their drawing apparatus we pause to explore a material analog: drawing with graphite, ink, or any other medium on paper. These drawings are intended to be computational and algorithmic despite the fact that no [digital] computer was involved. Analysis of and discussion around these drawings was then invited to influence students' code. |
Before passing on their apparatus to a peer, students created graphic documentation to explain/influence/communicate with future users. This documentation is both instruction manual and explanatory diagram of the coded algorithms |
A drawing made by David Hansen using James Lanzisero's drawing apparatus. |